Monday 26 October 2009

Week 6 - Adele Kyriacou

Yesterday, we went all the way up to Westminster to interveiw Andrew Rosindell. Were all really happy with how everything has come out. It didnt take us long to set up, and then we got on straight away with filming him. He gave us some really good answers and were really happy with how its all came out.
Just got John Murphy our Journalist to do now, which has all been arranged to film Tuesday. Looking forward to doing that aswell as having to do a Police Officer and a head teacher which should be good!

As a speaker, Mr Rosindell carried himself beautifully, he answered every question thoroughly and with precise facts and his own background knowledge to support his claims. We're all really pleased with the footage and i should be capturing it sometime this week to check the sound/quality etc. Right now, we're focusing on our questions for John Murphy on Tuesday. Should be so interesting to interview someone of a high position in the media industry. We're looking forward to what he has to say on the matter.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Interviewee Profiles #1 - Lauren O'Donoghue

Andrew Rosindell

Andrew Richard Rosindell (born on 17 March 1966) is a British Conservative Politician. He is the MP for the Romford constituency in Greater London aswell as an International Director of the European Foundation, chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Flag Group, and a member of the Flag Group itself. Before entering politics on a full-time basis, Andrew was a freelance journalist and Public Relations consultant and before becoming Romford MP he was a local councillor on Havering Council. He has been quoted as the "Future mayor of London" and called a "Local Champion". 'He is Mr Romford, in tune with his voters and viewed as a local son and 'our MP'

John Murphy

John Murphy is a BBC Radio Current Affairs executive.
John joined the BBC World Service in 1992, where he got the chance to make all kinds of programmes in news and current affairs after a stint with Radio france International in Paris.
In the latter part of his broadcasting career, John has been a regular producer for Crossing Continents, making programmes throughout Europe, in Africa, in the USA. He has won a One World radio documentary award for a programme which examined what happened to the rape victims of the Bosnian conflict, and some of the children born of those rapes.

An insight into Johns work:
Here's an article John Murphy wrote about the case of Baby P

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Week 5 - Katie Geraghty

Were really happy, we've managed to film both sets of teenage interviews that we planned on doing as soon as possible. The 2 boys Billy and Rhys who are stereotyped for wearing hoodies etc, and their point of view on things. Aswell as Natalie Lawrence, a teenager who represents teenagers in a good light and raises money for charity's etc etc. We took some pictures during our filming process too.. Look ahead!

We rung Andrew Rosindell's (Romford MP) office numerous times and finally got through to his P.A and pitched an idea. She then got back to us confirming that we can interview him on Thursday at Westminster!

Filming the Boys!

Filming Natalie!

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Storyboard - Katie Geraghty

We made a draft storyboard so we had an idea on how our documentary would look once we'd edited it. Also this would help the editor as a guideline while thinking of what to put where.

Monday 19 October 2009

Week 4 - Adele Kyriacou

We've got loads done this week.
We've been trying to organise lots of speakers as soon as possible!

We have just confirmed John Murphy, A Journalist from BBC.
We are all set for filming on the 20th October.

We've also confirmed an interview with two teenage boys on the 20th to get their view on the issue after we film John Murphy.

Saturday 17 October 2009

First cutaway ideas - Lauren O'Donoghue

Cutaway Ideas:
A Pan of a ‘High Crime Rate’/Neglected Borough (further research will establish which borough/s)
Cuts of different newspaper headlines regarding ‘Youth Crime’ - Zooms and Pans
Fixed shot of the back of youths in hoodies walking through a shopping centre
Medium close up of a magistrates/crown court
Medium shot of a youth offering an old man/woman a seat on public transport
Medium shot of a youth helping someone with a case/pram up a flight of stairs
News Footage ‘Another youth has been stabbed’ ‘Crime rate rises..’
‘Victim branded A* student is seen in picture holding guns’

Thursday 15 October 2009

Subject Research Notes - Lauren O'Donoghue

62% of the public believe that the number of crimes committed by youths is on the rise. However, youth homicides declined by 68% between 1993 and 1999 and are at their lowest rate since 1966.

76% of the public say that they form their opinions about crime from what they see or read in the news, more than three times the number who state they get their primary information on crime from personal experience.

Research from the charity Catch 22 showed that two thirds of adults overestimated the level of youth crime, while 10% of adults believed as many as two out of every five teenagers were criminals. In reality only 5.7% of young people are involved in crime.

A survey, carried out for the Philip Lawrence Awards, reported that today’s young people have an extremely positive effect on their communities, with 48% undertaking voluntary activity.


Speakers? - Adele Kyriacou

*Youth worker
*The Public

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Brainstorm - Katie Geraghty

We all sat down as a group and wrote a list of possibilities our documentary could be about. Its got to be a 'key issue that represents the world in some way' and we've got lots of ideas so far!!

Some of our ideas include:

Monday 12 October 2009

Week 3

Documentary Proposal

“Are young people today portrayed as a generation to fear in contemporary society by the news in the media?”

Today’s apparent “Wasted Youth”

In this topic, we plan to explore the idea that if the news in the media continues to portray the youth of today as problematic, will they or have they already fulfilled the appointed role that is expected of them by society?
We will identify the circumstances in which this perception has been created, by reports of crime and violence amongst young people and how this influences the train of thought of the public and how it has altered their reactions to youths today.
An extract taken from an article at titled ‘Violent youth crime up a third’
A senior official at West London Youth Court, in Hammersmith, stares despondently at the growing stack of criminal files piled in front of him, each containing what he says are the stark details of a child's life going to waste. "The youth justice system simply cannot cope," he tells me. "We are being swamped. We are being asked to deal with a problem that is of society's making and all we seem to be able to do is apply a sticking plaster to it."
This implies that the situation is not being dealt with, it is just being covered up and thus getting worse.

"Our own research on the experience of black young people in trouble with the law, called Just Justice(1), showed that none of the young people in the study trusted the authorities, and particularly the police, to protect them. Young people in the study overwhelmingly reported that they would rather turn to their friends and family to help them when in need, and to take justice into their own hands if crimes were committed against them." This seems to be an issue that needs to be dealt with as youth crime, especially serious cases seems to be a result of the fact that youths feel neglected by the criminal justice system and therefore feel they need to take matters into their own hands I.e. committing crimes of a vengeful nature.

In order of finding a conclusion to this popular debate, we plan to interview a series of public figures (a list is as follows) to find out their views on the topic at hand. We will ask them whether they believe news in the media is a dominant factor of portraying youths negatively and ask if they believe that youths are stereotyped in society primarily because of this. We will also interview a number of youths that feel they are affected by this misconception as they are the subject of the documentary and are therefore arguably the most important. There is no better way to find out about the youths of today, than asking them about themselves. Additionally, we will speak to other general members of the public that hold their own and find out whether they feel the media influences these ideas.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Week 2 - Lauren O'Donoghue

We've finally decided our roles in the group:

Lauren O’Donoghue
Camerawoman: Katie Geraghty
Editor: Adele Kyriacou

We have also came up with some potential ideas for our documentary

I also thought it would be a good idea to post the checklist so that we can easily refer back to it to remember what we have to do:
1. Brief
2. Voice-over script
3. Preparatory storybaord
4. Documentary genre notes
5. Audience testing notes
6. Subject research notes
7. Score notes
8. Location notes
9. Speakers (Interviews)
10. Questionnaire
11. Evaluation
12. Script
13. Shot list
14. Analysis of a documentary
15. Questionnaire (before documentary filmed)
16. Questionnaire (after documentary filmed)
17. Interviewee profile
18. Documentary interview framing picture
